Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 430


Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 430 – The January 21, 2023, issue of DBTN. Five cum squirting stories with art by Shigeru, dv dickie, and Narov.


DBTN 430 Review pages
Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 430, released January 21, 2023. This issue is included with new subscriptions purchased during January 2023.

Stories in this issue are:

  • Dad’s Big Boy • When Aunt Maureen comes to visit, Dad has to use the same bathroom as his son, BB does. BB’s real name is Mark. But ever since Dad walked in on him beating off, Dad calls him, BB, short for Big Bog. So what will Dad see when he and BB share the same bathroom?
  • Dad’s Big Fat Lie • Davey discovers that Dad’s stories about volunteering upriver to count salmon are a big lie. Hot ranger, Bruce tells him that when he comes to school to give a presentation. And he tells Davey how they really count salmon. So why is Dad lying?
  • A Heads Up • Dad has to give hot ranger, Bruce, a heads up when he suspects that his son, Davey, knows that he and Bruce get it on. And when Dad takes Davey upriver to “count salmon” will Bruce be waiting for them?
  • Son, Get Your Butt Home • James hates going hom. But Dad tells him to get his butt home to see Grandma Olivia while she is still alive. James refuses to spend the night at home. But when he goes visit an old bath house, he’s blown over to find his uncles and dad having a good time there.
  • Yellowstone Man • Everyone thinks Sy is a good boy. But he’s not. The only reason he takes old Mrs. Guggen’s dog, Benji, for walks is so he can meet men. And he’s looking for one special man in particular, Yellowstone Man.

Artists in this issue are:

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 430 is by Shigeru, dv dickie, and Narov.

Previous issue: Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 429

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Dad’s Bedtime Tales