Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 506, released July 6, 2024. This issue is included with new subscriptions purchased during July 2024.
Stories in this issue are:
- Contaminating Dad • Randall can’t tell his father that he is going to be in the Pride Parade. His father can’t stand gays. He won’t go to the parade. “You won’t catch me anywhere near those freaks. I don’t want to get contaminated,” he says. But will his son contaminate him anyway?
- Imagine No Masturbots • Morgan can’t imagine life without masturbots. How did teenagers get off before they invented masurbots? Grandpa Zed knows. The old fashioned way.
- Making the Taxman Happy • Uncle Vivan discovers they can sell their carpets in the Saamvicj market. It is a ten day journey there, but worth the effort. When nephew Aasnar accompanies him on his next trip to Saamvicj, Uncle Vivan warns about the taxman blocking passage at the highest mountain pass. But he knows how they can make the taxman happy.
- Name and Signature, Please • Angus sees Zubair give his name and signature to the hot delivery guy for a small package. He tells Zubair that the only reason the delivery driver asked for his name and signature is because, “He wants to get into your pants.” Is that true?
- Should or Shouldn’t • continued from DBTN 504 and DBTN 505, Dave and his son, Carson, are about to discover if it is OK to go around naked at the farm cottage. Will farmer Bob and his son, Henry, be naked too?
Artists in this issue are:
Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 506 is by shigeru and dv dickie.
Previous issue: Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 505