Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 349

DBTN 349 Review Covers

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 349, released July 3, 2021. This issue is included with new subscriptions purchased during July 2021.

Stories in this issue are:

  • Warm Honey & Cum • Dad is thrilled to show Cody something wonderful in the garden. But Cody’s not thrilled. Dad is always bugging him. Unlike normal dads, Cody’s dad is retired. He purposely retired early so he could watch his son grow up. So Cody can’t get more than an hour by himself with his dad checking on him. However, Dad’s excited over the warm honey flowing out of his Flow Hive, the first honey from the hive. It tastes so good, and because it comes right out of the hive, it is warm. And it tastes really good on warm body parts too.
  • Some Things You Can’t Unsee • Kris drops by his son, David’s place to return tools he borrowed. But when he enters David’s house, he hears soft moans coming from the bedroom. David is a newlywed. So Kris assumes David and his young husband, Rusk, are making whoops. So Kris returns to his car to wait a few minutes. But he’s not expecting to see David’s father-in-law, Thorm, walk out of the house and give David a long, wet, good-bye kiss. What is going on?
  • Warriors of Ku part 2 by Madakou • continued from DBTN 345. Loe can’t believe it when Chief Kakaea puts his arms around him. “Me? You chose me? Am I the honored warrior?” Loe gasps. But Chief Kakaea pushes Loe down onto all fours. “Not so fast, Loe,” the Chief says. “Honored warrior has great perseverance. Let’s see if you can handle this.” So can he? Can Loe handle it?
  • Eight Days a Week • Petro stays in the same hotel each time he has business in Chicago. That’s because Petro can relax to the max in the hotel sauna. After negotiating with clients all day, Petro needs to unwind. Late at night, the gym sauna never disappoints because he can always find thick man meat to suck or another man who needs to suck cock as much as him. But this night, there is a dad and son working out in the gym. So will Petro get to relax in the sauna tonight?
  • Adam’s Late • Coach can’t figure out why his star runner, Adam, finishes last in the marathon practice. Adam shows up five minutes after the other runners. It makes no sense. So Coach has to investigate. The practice course runs through the woods of the park. And in the woods is a restroom not far from the course. Coach needs to find out the reasons for Adam’s slow performance. Coach Nutcreme and him have a bet. If Coach Nutcreme’s runner beat his at the league championship, he has to suck Coach Nutcreme. But if he wins, Coach Nutcreme has to suck him.

Artists in DBTN 349

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 349 is by Madakou, Shigeru, and Steve Adams.

Coming Tomorrow – Warriors of Ku part 2

Coming Tomorrow Warriors of Ku part 2

The Warriors of Ku part 2 by Madakou arrives tomorrow in Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 349. In Dad’s Bedtime Tales 345, we read how Loe and the other recruits paddle out to the sacred island with the older warriors. After a day of celebrating, Loe competes with the other new recruits to become the honored warrior. Loe relaxes his assring with an ass-stretcher all day long so he is confident he can meet any challenge.

However, when Chief Kakea bends him down on all fours, Loe wonders if he can pass the test.

The Warriors of Ku beat their drums louder and louder. Chief Kakea plucks Loe’s ass-stretcher out of his butt.

Can Loe satisfy the Chief? Can he persevere to become the honored warrior? Will Loe make his father proud?

Chief Kakea drills into Loe to the beat of the loud drums. Loe perseveres as best as he can. But at the same time he is terrified that he can’t endure. He feels intense pressure building up inside of him. He wants to release, but he wants to satisfy Chief Kakea too.

So can Loe persevere to the very end and become a Warrior of Ku?

Subscribe to Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter. Read the conclusion to the Warriors of Ku when we release Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 349 this coming Saturday, July 3.