Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 374, released December 25, 2021. Subscriptions purchased in December 2021 include this issue..
Stories in this issue are:
- A Coach’s Duty • Coach does his best to meet the needs of all his players. Especially the seniors who only have a few more games left. But Coach doesn’t know how to reward Xander, his star quarterback. But Xander’s close friend, Chum does. So Coach asks Chum, “I’d like to do something special for Xander before he goes. Do you have any idea what it is he’d really appreciate?”
- Neighbor’s Toolshed • continued from Dad’s Toolshed in DBTN 373, Spencer, the neighbor, notices Collin and his son, Brant, setting up a tool shed. Spencer thinks that is odd because Collin doesn’t have a lot of tools. So when he notices Collin and Brant spending a lot of time in that tool shed, Spencer gets curious.
- Grandpa, Where Do Babies Come From? • Kent enjoys teasing Grandpa Kurf by asking him, “Where Do Babies Come From?” Kent knows exactly where babies come from. But he likes to make Grandpa Kurf squirm. But when a heavy snow disrupts plans, Kent spends the night under Grandpa Kurf’s Christmas Tree. Grandpa shows Kent where babies come from.
- Teach Me How to Talk Dirty • Ralph’s jack off buddy, Trent, tells him that the ones who know how to do it are the old guys. “Any one of those grandpas could teach you stuff that would blow your mind,” Trent says. One of those old guys is Ralph’s Grandpa Bill. Can Grandpa Bill teach Ralph what he wants to learn?
- Always the Last to Know • Bruce and his brother-in-law, Jacob, help Dad put up the Christmas Tree. Dad goes all out for Christmas. But what has Bruce and Jacob curious is what exactly is making that bump in Dad’s butt.
Artists in DBTN 374
Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 374 is by Shigeru, Dick Wad, and dv dickie.