Handjobs Anthology 30 Printed – The stories from our early to mid 2003 issues of Handjobs. 194 pages of fun. This is the last anthology we printed and we published it in December 2013.
Stories in Handjobs Anthology 30 are:
- Flying Lessons Behind the Airport by Sierra
- Career Week
- Hungry for It by Peter
- Coach Brad by Chris
- Latrine Nerd by Jon Hold
- Practice Makes Perfect by Geoffery
- The Nature Trip by Gene Richards
- The Miller Boys by Uncle Kent and Uncle Rich
- Tony Tales by Peter Ellis
- Foster Father
- Pumping Up by Jody Watson
- The Homecoming by Bryan Daniels
- Bathhouse Boink by Eddie D.
- Mr. Kelso by Ivan Ramsey
- The Bear’s Cub by Gene Richards
- The Adventures of Timmy by Roscoe
- Stayin’ Over with Unk
- Goin’ Fishin’ with Unk
- Dan the Handyman by Sierra
- More Adventures with Dan by Sierra
- It’s a Game We Like to Play by Jesse
- The Winner and New Champion by Peter
- Father’s Day Call
- Four in a Row by Gene Richards
- College Glory Hole by Roscoe
- Beer Garden Butt Bangers by Big Al
- Barney the Sojer Boy by Valentine
- Dad’s Hairy Seduction by A Chicago Friend
- My Summer at Aunt Maddy’s by Ted Burton
- Poppin’ in on Dad by Jonathan Frosst
- The Jock and the Janitor by Anonymous
- Midway Adventure by Richard Barber
Artists used in Handjobs Anthology 30 are:
Michael Mitchell, Craig Esposito, Joseph, Just A. Buoy with E. Rex Shawn, Montana. Roger, Roscoe, and Valentine.
This is the last anthology that we printed. By the time we published this at the end of 2013, bookstores were closing right and left. Therefore, printing more books became impossible. If you prefer the download version, it is here: Download Anthology 30.