Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 418


Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 418 – The October 29, 2022, issue of DBTN. Five great stories with art by Shigeru and dv dickie.


DBTN 418 Review pages
Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 418, released October 29, 2022. This issue is included with new subscriptions purchased during October 2022.

Stories in this issue are:

  • PTA Surprise • Math teacher Steven is distracted by the man sitting in the front row. Steven is trying to give a presentation about the new advanced match courses. But the man keep rubbing his basket and making Steven nervous. Why is he so overt? What does he want? Is he a father of one of his students?
  • How Much It Matters • Patrick asks the museum guide, “Did they really go around naked all the time?” Patrick and his dad are at the museum to see an exhibit of the people who used to live in their town, thousands of years ago. When Patrick learns that they did live naked, he wonders what that would be like. So on the weekend, he decides to find out. Which is why his father finds his son buck naked on Saturday morning.
  • Bros for Life • Is Dad jealous of the buddy Uncle Alex has? Uncle Alex has a big one. What about Dad? Does he have a big one too?
  • You’re an Open Book • Dad warns his son, Adam, not to disturb Jack, the pilot who is sleeping in the guest room. But Dad knows better. Now that he’s told Adam to leave the pilot alone, he won’t be able to check on him.
  • Sparky’s Specimen • Dad hates it when the men in the diner rub his son’s butt. And the son is frustrated because his teacher’s yell at him to keep his hands out of his lap. But Grandpa has an ingenious plan. He cuts holes in Sparky’s pants so Sparky can play with his thing without anyone noticing. However, when Dad takes Sparky for a physical, the doctor shouts, “Wow, what a specimen! You should have warned me, Henry.”

Artists in this issue are:

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 418 is by Shigeru and dv dickie.

Previous issue: Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 417

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Dad’s Bedtime Tales