Coming February 5 – You, Me, the Blade, and the Ice

Coming February 5

Coming February 5 in Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 380, the conclusion to Madakou’s “You, Me, the Blade, and the Ice”.

In Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 376, in the first part of Madakou’s “You, Me, the Blade, and the Ice” we met nervous Filip. He’s practicing for his first Nationals. But he’s all nerves and keeps falling.

He tells Coach he doesn’t know what’s happening to him.

But Coach isn’t concerned. He’s confident in Filip. And he knows how to settle his nerves. How he calms Filip will pop your eyes wide open. We can’t wait to share the second half of this comic with you in a few days.

Subscribe to Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter and be the first to get Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 380 this Saturday, February 5. You’ll also get each Saturday’s issue for the next six months, 26 issues in all.