Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 432

DBTN 432 Review pages

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 432, released February 4, 2023. Subscriptions purchased in February 2023 include this issue.

Stories in this issue are:

  • See Spot Suck • Inventive programmers, Bruce and Hank, program Spot, the robotic dog their boss buys to automate inspections. They don’t want Spot to disrupt the regular blowjobs they give the high school runners. Coach Morehand runs the boys through the green belts that wind through the facility where Bruce and Hank work. But can Bruce and Hank program Spot to suck dick?
  • Father Petrus Understands • Zach visits Father Petrus every Wednesday. Zach isn’t Catholic, but Father Petrus is the only man he knows whom he can tell all his secrets and keep them safe. And Father Petrus is so understanding. However, Father Petrus is far more understanding than Zach can possibly fathom.
  • This Is So Wrong! • Night guard at the fabric factory, Rafael is stunned to discover his boss fucking his son in the middle of the night in the warehouse. This is so wrong! Rafael thinks. But is it? How can he explain his painful erection as he watches?
  • Whiteout • This is Dan’s first winter in Moose Dik. All his co-workers rush home when a surprise blizzard sneaks up. But he takes his time. Mesmerized by the whiteout, he takes too long getting home. Fortunately, his neighbors rush over to treat his dick when it gets frost nipped.
  • Dad, Is There a Y in Smithers? • Neither Castle nor his son, Pascal, are much for speaking. So Pascal has lots of questions about his growing dick that need answering. But on a trip to visit Uncle Morris, a trip to the Y with its naked swimming and men eager to explain how a man’s body works, answer all of Pascal’s questions.

Artists in DBTN 432

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 432 is by Rolando Mérida and Narov.