Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 383

DBTN 383 Review pages

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 383, released February 26, 2022. Subscriptions purchased in February 2022 include this issue.

Stories in this issue are:

  • Rise and Shine, Son! • “Sorry to bother you, Cal, but is Donny ready? I need to get going,” Harvey the bus driver says. Fuck! Cal thought his son, Donny was up already. Donny sleeps in all the time! What can Cal do? Harvey tells Cal, ”You know, when me and my brothers slept in, Dad used to grab a handful of ice, get his hands cold, and grab us by our balls. That sure woke us up!” Harvey’s story gives Cal an idea.
  • Eleven • The guys at Firehouse 11 find relief in the park john nearby. One night a hot kid sticks his butt out for all to enjoy, including hunky fireman, Bruce. Some wise guy hung a sharpie above the boy’s butt. Guys mark their fuck by putting a hashmark on the boy’s butt. But Bruce can’t believe it when his son comes out of the shower and Bruce sees hashmarks on his butt! Bruce finds his own hashmark on his son’s bare ass!
  • Big Ben, Little Ben • Ben knows a secret lurks in the sealed envelope a messenger left for his dad. So when Dad goes into town for a meeting, Ben finds the envelope and learns about a man Dad used to love.
  • The Consequences of Cheating • Russ needs to pass the next science test. Otherwise he won’t be able to play football anymore. And football is his life. He sneaks into Mr. Pratt’s house, the science teacher, to find the test so he can memorize the answers. But Mr. Pratt comes home early and finds Russ hiding under his bed. Russ must pay the consequences.
  • Your First Time • Professor Thoms gives his advanced writing students an assignment. “Write about your first time,” he tells them. “It can be about anything.” And he has the students hand in their papers anonymously, so everyone can discuss them freely. But one of the papers describes in details about a son’s first time with his dad. Which student is it? Professor Thoms wants to know because his first time was with his dad too.

Artists in DBTN 383

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 383 is by Shigeru, Narov, and Steve Adams.