Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 386

DBTN 386 Review pages

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 386, released March 19, 2022. Subscriptions purchased in March 2022 include this issue.

Stories in this issue are:

  • What Navy Life is Really Like • Jack’s son, Duncan, wants to join the Navy for all the wrong reasons. So Jack invites Blake, a Navy veteran, over to tell Duncan the truth about life in the Navy. The first thing Blake has to do is let Duncan know that life on board a Navy vessel is not a 24/7 orgy. But he does have suggestions how Duncan can find the bottom sailors he wants.
  • A Sweaty Spring Day • Grandpa forgets that his grandson, Skip, came to visit him for spring break. At first Grandpa groans. He likes being naked on warm, spring days. However, he quickly discovers that even though his grandson is around, being naked is still an option.
  • We Won’t Talk About This • Derrick’s brother, Bruce, a long haul trucker, comes for a visit. Only he shocks Derrick when he announces that he is selling his big rig and settling down. Bruce also shocks Derrick when Derrick gets an alert about a new recording from the light bulb with the hidden camera. Derrick put that light bulb away. So why is it still recording? And why is it recording from inside his son’s bedroom, late at night? And why is his brother on top of his son, naked, and obviously with his dick stuck inside his son’s butt?
  • Mark It • Stan sees the car he wants in the used car lot. And he’s got the cash to pay for it. So he and the salesman, Vlasyl, take it for a test drive. Vlasyl can see how much the boy wants the car. When they stop in the park, Vlassyl tells Stan, “You know, if you like the car so much, you should mark it.” Stan can’t believe it when the salesman describes what he means by “marking it.”
  • Want to Mark It Again? • Stan is thrilled with his new car. So when his wrestling coach, Coach Hanson, suggests they go and watch the Harper High wrestlers take on the Riverdale wrestlers, Stan offers to drive. Stan’s new car impresses Coach Hanson. And on the way home from the wrestling match, Coach Hanson, learns how Stan marked his car. He smiles and says, “Want to mark it again?”

Artists in DBTN 386

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 386 is by Rolando Mérida, Narov, and Shigeru.