Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 444

DBTN 444 Review pages

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 444, released April 29, 2023. Subscriptions purchased in April 2023 include this issue.

Stories in this issue are:

  • Dad Bait • When Idris lands a lifeguard job at Big Kumkok Lake Camp, senior lifeguard, Chase, gives him a pair of Bold Comfort briefs. “They’re great dad bait,” Chase explains. “They lift your nuts away from your thighs, and keep your dick suspended too. They make a bold statement.” In other words, all the hot dads who come to the beach will want to be your friend. But Idris isn’t counting on luring in his own dad.
  • Dad, You Love It up the Butt • While attending a conference in Lisbon, Bob goes wild. A fellow conference attendee introduces Bob to his son, Simão. “He’s lived here five years. He knows all the spots to go,” the handsome man says. After a wild night on the town, Bob wakes up in a strange hotel bedroom, with naked Simão at his side. But Bob has a plane to catch. He rushes home. Thankfully no one at home knows what he did in Lisbon. However, somehow, his son knows what he did.
  • Sharing My Wisdom • When Fighter fighter Gunnar can’t keep up with the young fire fighters, his boss sends him out to give fire safety presentations. “It’s time to put the wisdom you’ve developed over the decades of firefighting to good use,” his boss says. At first Gunnar is apprehensive. But he quickly learns to enjoy giving presentations. Especially in high school assemblies, where lots of teenage boys get noticeable tents in their jeans talking with him.
  • What Happiness Is • Hitchhiking in Wyoming, Mitch learns the meaning of happiness from trucker Dale.
  • Auditioning for Their Dads • Riverside boys, Cody and Devin, never meet until they leave town and go to college. They run into each other as dorm mates. And since they are both from Riverside, they introduce their dads to each other. However, neither boy can begin to fathom what good friends their two dads become.

Artists in DBTN 444

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 444 is by Narov, dv dickie, and Shigeru.