Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 445

DBTN 445 Review pages

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 445, released May 6, 2023. Subscriptions purchased in May 2023 include this issue.

Stories in this issue are:

  • Pounding Iron • Bart discovers that Grandpa Percy still works pounding iron. He’s been a blacksmith forever. Bart asks Dad when they can go visit Grandpa Percy. But Dad says, “I don’t know. I’m busy with work. It’d be hard to take time off to go that far.” So Bart decides he is old enough to go visit Grandpa Percy all on his own.
  • Show Me Yours and I’ll Show You Mine • Aaron expects to pick up his brother, Hal at the rail depot. Instead he finds his nephew, Peter, instead. If Peter was scrappy like his dad, Aaron wouldn’t mind. But Peter is a pretty boy. Too dangerous to have around the crew building the rail line over the Cascades in 1886.
  • Special Surprise by Madakou • continued from DBTN 440, Dad discovers that his sons, Johnny and Jamie, are going through his stuff. “Shut up, Dad, you don’t have permission to speak!“ they yell at him. Oh, oh. Dad is in trouble now.
  • Please, Don’t Confess • The village priest wishes his parishioners would stop confessing to him. They tell him too much. Take Danny, a sweet boy, pure, the poster child for wholesomeness. But he just confessed that he spies on his naked dad and wants to suck his cock! Now Danny’s father, Patrick, has come to confess. Lord have mercy!
  • Nothing but Naked Men • Clark takes his sons, Caleb and Tuck, to visit his long time friend, Bud. Clark sleeps in and enjoys a relaxing breakfast with Bud on the deck overlooking the ocean. The boys are out exploring the beach. Sounds good until Clark discovers that the beach has nothing but naked men on it.

Artists in DBTN 445

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 445 is by Madakou and Shigeru.