Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 365

DBTN 365 Review pages

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 365, released October 23, 2021. This issue is included with new subscriptions purchased during October 2021.

Stories in this issue are:

  • Why Did He Lie To Me? • Corporal Van and long time work companion and friend, Jeff, have lunch in the lounge. Jeff keeps looking out the window at someone on the sidewalk below. “Why did he lie to me?” Jeff mutters. He calls someone and Corporal Van notices the guy on the sidewalk answer his phone. Van listens in on the conversation. The guy below is Jeff’s son who tells his dad he is in Boston, though he clearly is not. The young guy is also the hot stud who plows Corporal Van’s butt in the gym sauna. Van didn’t know that Jeff had a son.
  • Yeah, I’d Suck That • Hank dabbles in art. He enjoys visiting museums and galleries. An art teacher talks him into posing as a model for his students. Nude. Anything for the sake of art, right? Hank nervously steps out from behind the partition and poses nude on the bed so the art students can sketch him. But Hank had no idea his son would be one of the students.
  • Dad’s Naps • Sandy gets an eyeful when Dad walks in from taking a nap in the garden hammock. “Just trying to get an all over tan, Sandy,” Dad says. But Sandy thinks there is more to it than that. He overheard Uncle Fred talking about the affair his brother had with another man. It drives Sandy nuts seeing Dad naked like that, knowing Dad is getting it on with another man.
  • Filling My Void • Son Spencer and his boyfriend, Sajith, spend the weekend with Spencer’s parents. Peter’s wife tells him when she leaves for the day, “Ask them when the wedding is.” She has a big wedding all planned for the two boys. But Peter has more urgent matters to deal with. His son Spencer just went on a long run. Moments earlier, Peter overheard his son moan loudly in their bedroom, “Deeper, baby, deeper.” Sajith knows how to fill Specer’s void thoroughly. What about Peter’s void? Can Sajith, his future son-in-law, fill it too?
  • Dad’s Moved On • Kevin’s sister, Karen, presses him about finding a new wife for their father. “It’s time he move on. It’s been three years since Mom passed.” She annoys Kevin. She constantly calls friends back in Juniper Creek, trying to set up dates with Dad. Fortunately, Karen lives in Los Angeles, too far from Juniper Creek to show up. If she did, she‘d find out that her father as moved on, with her brother, Kevin.

Artists in DBTN 365

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 365 is by Michael Mitchell, Master Bates, and Shigeru.