Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 447

DBTN 447 Review pages

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 447, released May 20, 2023. Subscriptions purchased in May 2023 include this issue.

Stories in this issue are:

  • A Couple of Curve Balls • Life throws you a curve ball from time to time. First curve ball: my son, Strand. How did I get such an uptight son? Second curve ball: my grandson, Chasten. Is he the guy who sucked my dick off in the steam room at my son’s health club?
  • Riding Goliath • Every month, Jasper makes Dad record his height on the doorjamb of his bedroom closet. And as soon as Jasper gets tall enough to ride, Goliath, the colossal roller-coaster, he makes Dad ride it with him. But the college kid attendant who secures their over-the-shoulder restraints, gets his hands on Dad’s basket. And gives Dad his phone number. “Dads with sons turn me on,” the guy scribbles on the card he pushes into the dad’s pocket.
  • No Reception • Alex takes his son, Tatum, camping in the mountains. But as soon as they loose cell phone reception, Tatum frets. Alex tries to interest his son in the natural beauty all around them. But Tatum can’t see a thing. However, Dustin, a teenager who brought his dad camping to see the wonders of the mountains, can.
  • Dad, You’re My Hero • Banning’s son, Parker, dreams of becoming a firefighter like his dad. Well, actually, he dreams of being rescued from a burning house by a fire fighter as big and strong as his dad. Yanked naked out of bed, flung over the firefighter’s shoulder and carried out, with the firefighter’s hand on his bare butt, holding him in place.
  • Uncle Andrew, Am I a Sex Addict? • Uncle Andrew enjoys Sid coming by his place on his way home from school. Sid spends time studying at Uncle Andrew’s place until his parents are home from work and he can go home. But when he asks, Andrew, “Uncle Andrew, Am I a Sex Addict?” Uncle Andrew needs to explain what a sex addict it.

Artists in DBTN 447

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 447 is by Michael Mitchell and Shigeru.