Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 431

DBTN 431 Review pages

Dad’s Bedtime Tales Newsletter 431, released January 28, 2023. Subscriptions purchased in January 2023 include this issue.

Stories in this issue are:

  • Night Games • Wendell’s parents don’t approve when he goes out late to practice shooting hoops with his older cousin, Kyle. They say he is bad seed. But Wendell doesn’t care. Wendell loves the thrill Kyle gives him.
  • Is He Still a Virgin? • When his brother asks if his son, Hank, is still a virgin, it makes Amos think. How could his thirty year old son still be a virgin? But the signs indicate he is. So should he do something about it? And if so, what?
  • Post Workout by Madakou • Jeremy resolves to get in shape like his dad and older brother. But those two seem reluctant to let him work out with them. Why is that? Jeremy gets a clue when he catches them in the shower together.
  • What’s It Mean When? • Weed asks Uncle Ralph what it means when a guy rubs his basket while he’s talking to you. “If a guy does that, Weed, it means he wants you to suck his dick,” Uncle Ralph says. The guy rubbing himself is the cop across the street. Does he really want Weed to suck his dick?
  • He Wants to Suck Your Dick • When Hal visits Jack at Jack’s new place in the country, he notices the cute, muscular neighbor boy eyeing Jack. He tells Jack, “He wants to suck your dick.” But Jack scoffs at the idea. What would the boy’s dad do if he found out?

Artists in DBTN 431

Art in Dad’s Bedtime-Tales Newsletter 431 is by Madakou, Michael Mitchell, and Narov.